Cyborg 5 -> 10

Cyborg 5 -> 6

The password for cyborg6 is the last name of the user who has logon hours set on their account PLUS the name of the file on the desktop.

Get-ADUser -Filter 'logonHours -like "*"'
Get-AdUser -Filter "givenName -eq 'Benny'" -Property *
Password: rowray_timer

Check help examples: Get-Help Get-ADUser -examples

Cyborg 6 -> 7

The password for cyborg7 is the decoded text of the string within the file on the desktop.

$EncodedText = Get-Content .\cypher.txt
$DecodedText = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($EncodedText))
Password: cybergeddon

Cyborg 7 -> 8

The password for cyborg8 is the executable name of a program that will start automatically when cyborg7 logs in.

Get-ChildItem HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
Look for the 'run' key
Password: skynet

Cyborg 8 -> 9

The password for cyborg9 is the Internet zone that the picture on the desktop was downloaded from.

Seeing the streams:
    Get-Item .\1_qs5nwlcl7f_-SwNlQvOrAw.png -stream *
Getting the contents:
    Get-Content .\1_qs5nwlcl7f_-SwNlQvOrAw.png -stream Zone.Identifier
Password: 4

Cyborg 9 -> 10

The password for cyborg10 is the first name of the user with the phone number of 876-5309 listed in Active Directory PLUS the name of the file on the desktop.

Get-AdUser -Filter 'OfficePhone -eq "876-5309"'
Password: onita99

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